Want to know the way to my heart??
Books... Reading... Libraries...
I am and will always be a secret nerd bomber!! I am not ashamed of my love for books and reading and just overall learning! I love to get caught up in a story and not knowing what twist and turns the author is bringing next! I get so invested in the books that I am reading that I have a hard time after I close the back cover! When I was younger, during our summer breaks, my parents would do anything in their power to get my siblings to read. We would get a little trinket or prize for every five books that we read during the summer. No shame in saying that I killed it every summer! My parents could not keep up with the amount of books I would go through. So they started putting a page limit on the deal. "Every book you read that is over 300 pages" etc.
I could not image what life would be like without books! My personal library continues to grow each year! My dream and secret goal in life is two-fold
1) I will have a library like the one in Beauty and the Beast.
2) I will visit the World's 20 Most Beautiful Libraries
And that is where I am going to camp for the rest of this post! I have a problem.
Over the summer I was randomly searching the Internet (for I don't know what) but I came across a website that list the 20 most beautiful libraries in the world and fell in LOVE! I mean I immediately started making plans.
I got on mapquest.com and started to figure out where each library is located and the best route to take to visit each one in the least amount of time! I broke it up into three trips 1) North America 2) Europe and 3) The Others (which this one might have to be more than one trip to get them all)
Here is just a little taste of their individual beauty!
Abbey Library St. Gallen, Switzerland
Biblioteca Geral University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
Central Library, Seattle
George Peabody Library, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Herzog August Library, Wolfenbüttel, Germany
Jay Walker's Private Library
Library of Congress, Washington, DC, US
Library of Parliament, Ottawa, Canada
Library of the Benedictine Monastery of Admont, Austria
Melk Monastery Library, Melk, Austria
National Library, Belarus
Old British Reading Room, British Museum, London, England
Real Gabinete Portugues De Leitura, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Rijkmuseum Library, Amsterdam
Sansovino Library, Venice, Italy
Stiftsbibliothek Klosterneuburg, Klosterneuburg, Austria
Strahov Monastery - Theological Library, Prague, Czech Republic
Trinity College Library, AKA, The Long Room, Dublin, Ireland
Wiblingen Monastary Library, Ulm, Germany
Riksdagen Library, Swedish Parliament Library, Stockholm, Sweden
So there they are! All 20 of them! Now I know that this is a huge endeavor to take on but I am determined! Obviously Jay Walker's Personal Library might be a bit of a stretch but I believe the rest of them are manageable before I die! I have mapped out the order of the Europe trip already:
1) Dublin, Ireland
2) London, England
3) Amsterdam, Netherlands
4) Wolfenbüttel, Germany
5) Prague, Czech Republic
6) Klosterneuburg, Austria
7) Melk, Austria
8) Admont, Austria
9) Ulm, Germany
10) St. Gallen, Switzerland
11) Venice, Italy
That is totally doable right?? :-)
I just have to figure out when I am going to do this and who I am going to do it with!! Maybe I will be able to convince my future husband to slowly start visiting these places as we grow old together! *Too sappy?? I love it*
How crazy would it be to say I "ran" around the world "chasing" pretty libraries!